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Balance, Coordination & Strength

This is a 4 week series: 9/16, 23, 30 & 10/7 held on Thursdays at 6:00pm

In this 4 week series you will learn how to strengthen progressively. With strength training the body is always in a state of adaptation. To continuously improve, over time we need to progressively add load and resistance to the muscles. Our focus is functional strength to improve balance, coordination and strength! Functional strength training attempts to mimic the specific physiological demands of real-life activities by exercising several muscles and joints together, resulting in greater ease in performing daily activities, thereby positively affecting your everyday life.

For this series you will need: a resistant band, a variety of hand weights and/or kettle bells - some light, some heavier. You can also use things around your home like cans, water bottles, gallon jugs filled with water or sand etc.

This is a 4 week series: 9/16, 23, 30 & 10/7 held on Thursdays at 6:00pm